Privacy policy

Responsible for the treatment

PROGDEV SLU , company with address at Carrer Prat de la Creu 59-65, Escala B first floor office 2BC, AD500 – Andorra la Vella, is responsible for the treatment of your personal data. In this privacy policy, information is provided regarding the processing of the personal data of our customers, potential customers, users who contact us through any form on the website, following the provisions of law 29/20221, of 28 October, qualified personal data (LQPD) and the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).

Purposes and bases of legitimation

Data processing of customer representatives, individual entrepreneurs or liberal professionals

If you are a client of PROGDEV SLU , because you have accepted a proposal for professional services from our services or you have purchased a product from PROGDEV SLU , we will treat your data as indicated below:

Purpose of treatment: We process your data to maintain, fulfill, develop, control and execute the contractual relationship we maintain with the company you represent, client of PROGDEV SLU , or with you, if you are an individual entrepreneur or liberal professional.

Legal basis of treatment: We have a legitimate interest in treating your data as a point of contact for a client of PROGDEV SLU .

Data processing by contact through the form or email

If you have provided your data through the PROGDEV SLU contact web form to ask a question or contact us, we will process your data as indicated below:

Purpose of treatment: We process your data to give you assistance and attend to you whether you are a client or a potential client of PROGDEV SLU .

Legal basis for processing: PROGDEV SLU has a legitimate interest in assisting and responding to any customer or potential customer who raises a question through one of our forms.

Data processing of candidates who send their CV via email or web form

If you are a candidate for employment at PROGDEV SLU and you have sent us your CV by email, we will process your data as indicated below:

Purpose of treatment: We process your data to study your current or future candidacy for a job at PROGDEV SLU

Legal basis of treatment: PROGDEV SLU your consent by voluntarily sending your CV.

Your data will not be communicated or transferred to third parties unless there is a legal obligation. Only our technological service providers who hire auxiliary services will have access to your personal data, they act as data processors, and they will have committed to compliance with the applicable regulatory provisions in the field of data protection, in the moment of their hiring.

We inform you that it is not planned to carry out international transfers except for storage purposes, in any case on the basis of the existence of an adequacy decision and/or adequate guarantees, standard contractual clauses, binding corporate rules and/ or request for approved and recognized certifications or codes of conduct.

Data conservation

The data retention period will be the legal minimum established and, in the corresponding chaos, until you withdraw your consent.

PROGDEV SLU does not use profiling methods or make automated decisions.

Confidentiality and security measures

The personal data that can be collected directly from the interested party will be treated confidentially and will be included in the corresponding processing activity owned by PROGDEV SLU .

In compliance with the regulations in force, the company guarantees that it has adopted all the technical and organizational measures necessary to maintain the required level of security in regard to the nature of the personal data processed. The company declares its commitment to the protection of personal data and the privacy of users, and carries out the technical and organizational security measures it has at its disposal to safeguard its information

Veracity and updating of your data

You declare that all the data provided by you are legal, adequate, relevant, accurate and, if necessary, updated. The provision of data that does not meet the aforementioned requirements will exempt PROGDEV SLU from responsibility.

Rights of interested persons

Current regulations grant you the following rights: right of access, rectification, deletion and opposition of your personal data:

Right of access: right of access to your personal data to know which are being processed and the processing operations carried out with them.

Right of rectification: right to be able to rectify or complete any data that is inaccurate or incomplete.

Right to deletion: the right to request that your personal data is deleted from our systems and files, where this is possible.

Right to object: right to object to the processing of your personal data, when your data has not been provided directly by you.

Right to limitation of treatment: right to request the limitation of treatment when these are not accurate. When they have not been provided by you and you object to their deletion and request the limitation of use instead. When the data are no longer necessary for the treatment, but you need them for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims. When you have objected to the treatment, while we verify that the legitimate interest of Ciudadans Compromesos Generals is valid in accordance with the regulations.

Right to portability: when processing is carried out by automated means, you have the right to request that your personal data be communicated to another data controller.

You can exercise all the rights indicated for free, either by writing an email to the email address or by contacting by post at Carrer Prat de la Creu 59-65, Escala B, First floor office 2BC, AD500 Andorra la Vella. You will have to specify which right you wish to exercise, as well as your identification data. In the event that, in order to verify your identity, we need additional data that you provide us with, we will let you know. You can file a claim with the Andorran Data Protection Agency.